Cysts and benign tumours of the jaws


As part of my NHS work I regularly undertake removal of benign cysts and tumours of the jaws. I can also offer staged treatments where appropriate to decompress larger cysts using techniques such as grommets or marsupialisation (opening the cyst lining to the oral cavity) to "shrink" larger cysts and reduce the possibility of untoward side effects and complications, whilst still treating the condition safely.


Conditions I treat include:

  • Mandibular tori
  • Palatal tori
  • Osteomas
  • Dentigerous/follicular cysts
  • Radicular cysts
  • Odontogenic keratocysts / keratocystic odontogenic tumours (KCOTs)
  • Fibrous dysplasia
  • Cemento-ossifying fibromas

Whilst I am regularly involved in the treatment of benign lesions, I received comprehensive training in the management of head and neck cancer during my higher surgical training. My practice in this regard is now restricted to cutaneous malignancy only, but I am able to diagnose head and neck cancers and make onward referrals to colleagues in the region who I work with closely, ensuring that patients get the best care.